Images of Henry IV Part One

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Alan Howard as Hal in Henry IV Part One, 1976. (RSC website)

Hal and Falstaff jesting in the tavern; Henry IV Part One, Aldwych theatre, 1976. (RSC website)

Hotspur and company with Henry IV

Falstaff tells his tale about the robbery to Hal and the other taverners, Henry IV Part One, Act 2 scene v. (RSC website)

Prince Hal accuses Falstaff (Brewster Mason) of lying about the robbery, Henry IV Part One, Act 2 scene v. (RSC website)

The following production photographs are accessed from the PADS website. Use back button on browser to return.

Henry IV, Part One: RST April 1975

Henry IV Part One, Hal and Falstaff: RST April 1975

In the tavern: RST April 1975

In the tavern: RST April 1975

Hal and Falstaff: RST April 1975

Playing Shakespeare/Henry IV Part One