Images of Henry VI Part One

Images accessed from RSC website. Use browser back button to return

Henry VI and the Duke of Gloucester. Henry VI Part 1, Aldwych Theatre, 1978.

Henry with the warring nobles. Henry VI Part 1, Aldwych Theatre, 1978.

Henry and Gloucester. Henry VI Part 1, Aldwych Theatre, 1978.

Joan La Pucelled disarms Talbot and captures Orleans. Henry VI Part 1, Act 1 scene 4, Aldwych Theatre 1978.

Suffolk woos Margaret on Henry's behalf. Henry VI Part 1, Act 5 Scene 3, Aldwych Theatre 1978.

The following production photographs are accessed from the PADS website. Use back button on browser to return.

The young Henry VI: RST June 1977

The Temple garden scene: RST June 1977

Henry VI Part One: RST June 1977

Playing Shakespeare/Henry VI Part I