The occasion of the benefit of Mr. Compton at Manchester, where that excellent actor, too little seen in London now, is a great favourite, was made specially interesting by the fact that a Miss Compton, daughter of the comedian, made there her debut, so far as any important performance is concerned. In Mr Compton's speech the young lady was alluded to as "not inheriting her father's cheek," a possession which, as she does not seem to intend to go in for burlesque, she is, perhaps, quite as well without. The promise, however, which she deputed her father to make, is one which augurs well for her future, as her comment upon the gracious reception she obtained was to the effect that it "afforded her an additional inducement and strong incentive to pursue the profession - the arduous profession - she had undertaken, and to qualify herself to appear before her audience on another occasion." It is not many actresses, however young, who admit - at any rate in public - that they need to "qualify" themselves, for they consider that actresses, like poets, are born - not made. This, however, is an error into which Mr Compton was by no means likely to allow any daughter of his to fall. He knows too much of his art for that; and Miss Compton is fortunate in that her first apprenticeship is in a school where work will be valued at its proper worth. The young lady, who possesses considerable natural advantages, is said to have played Emily Worthington, in The Poor Gentleman, very pleasantly and satisfactorily, and will doubtless make her way in the profession to which she has been so sensibly introduced.
(Not sure which daughte this was as Ellen, Viola, and Fay all went on stage - probably Fay as she was the youngest of the girls - she made her first proper professional appearance in London on January 10 1906 at the Royal Albert Hall, then the following year at the age of 16, joined the Follies.)